Thursday, May 9, 2013

Honoring Motherhood

This post was inspired by a very touching letter by Amy Young written to encourage pastors on Mothers Day to "honor mothers without alienating others."  (The post can be found here: .)

Motherhood is an integral part of womanhood.  Not only our bodies but also our natures are designed to nurture. Although the tendency for women is to seek to marry and rear a family, the plan to become a mother can be thwarted anywhere along the way.  Women do not always find suitable husbands; the reproductive process is not always successful; accidents, sin, and selfishness can each destroy a family leaving many women solitary or barren.

I find it disturbing that the role of motherhood is often ignored in the atmosphere of pleasure-seeking, instant gratification, glorification of romance typical of American youth for at least the half century that I have witnessed. Motherhood and fatherhood are often the result of a passion-filled moment, but the home that makes motherhood and fatherhood so revered is seldom produced by those parents who have not honored one another enough to make a commitment to one another before becoming parents, a role that requires continual subjugation of one's desires in order to fulfill the needs of another.

The words family values are heard often today, but the value of a family is seldom considered. The time parents spend with their children continues to shrink.  Day care centers proliferate.  Latch key kids are the norm. Families who love each enough to spend time together are as rare as diamonds, but in most of those families, there is a mother who has nurtured her family.  

Nurture does not require a stay-at-home mom or freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.  Families who are nurtured have their needs met and their desires acknowledged by someone who knows that love is an action verb.  A mother who truly loves her family desires what is best for them  and labors to provide the means to help them accomplish their goals and fulfill their potential.

It is fitting that motherhood be honored; however, in our rush to celebrate mothers, may we remember those who have not been nurtured, those who have been denied motherhood, and those who are mourning the death of their children or mothers.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Who represents Christian thought in America? Who are the leading spokespeople for Christians? What is the predominant political theme of Christians? Does the fundamentalist Christian position differ from the position of mainstream Christianity?

I am a committed independent fundamental Baptist Christian.  I have been a part of Christian education for twenty years.  I consistently attend church services.  I pay attention to the news. I am a loyal American. As a thinking Christian, I believe the answers to the questions I have posed are important because I want my views accurately represented.

The news often contains stories about anti-Christian sentiments. The news seldom reports about Christians unless they are indulging in behavior that is decidedly un-Christian.  Because the newsworthy actions of Christians are so often contrary to the lifestyle and beliefs of the vast majority of Christians, the public receives a skewed view of Christian thought.  

Perhaps it is time for Christians to begin expressing their opinions as representative of their Christian beliefs. Many fundamental Christians would agree with these opinions:

I am pro-people. Because I am pro-people, I am for the rights of the unborn. I am also in favor of the kinds of environmentalism that protect the future population but not in favor of environmentalism that promotes the rights of obscure species over the needs of people. I am a supporter of the traditional family unit because children have a right to protection and care from parents devoted to their highest potential as creatures created in the image of God.  I believe in treating others as I wish to be treated; therefore, I treat others and their property and their opinions, even when opposing my own, with respect.

I am pro-God. Not only do I believe that God exists and is interested in the affairs of men, but I also believe that He has revealed Himself to us through His Word, the Holy Bible, and His Word made flesh, Jesus Christ. I believe He has extended His grace to us, through His Son, and thereby made it possible for us to have a relationship with our Creator.  I believe in prayer.

These opinions which express my Christian philosophy are the foundation of my Christian political views.  I believe people can be trusted to govern themselves.  I further believe that the government should respect people, their property, and their opinions.  Freedom is precious to all and must be safeguarded even when there are risks to life and property.

My prayer is that Christian Americans will raise a standard of respect for others and of reverence for God that will foster freedom for another generation!
patriotic groups and organizations

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Song for Mother's Day

Since it has been five years since my last post, I am compelled to submit my reason for resuming this blog.  I have assigned a blog post to my English Composition 103 class.  If they must post, I really ought to post too.

I had forgotten that I had posted about a song I had written; however, reading the old post inspired me to post this Mother's Day song since the holiday is nearing. I am happy to relate that my own mom will be at church with me again this year.  She is 83 and getting a bit unsteady, but she would rather go to church than anywhere else.  She is the finest church pianist I have ever known and still plays very well.

Mom on New Year's Day 2013

Mother's Day

Verse 1:

Mother's name is very dear; It falls sweetly on the ear.
It reminds us of the love of Christ she shows.

For her many acts of grace and the sweet look on her face 
Are the image of the Savior she well knows.


Mother shows us of our Savior's love and care.
She prepares us for our heavenly home so fair.
Oh, we owe her love and pride, gifts of beauty to abide,
For her sacrifices, work, and faithful prayers.

Verse 2:

Mother works from sun to sun, prays and cares for everyone.
She's the family angel shining bright and clear.
How the touch of her dear hand makes our hearts hers to command.  
Her kind heart and gentle spirit keep us near.

Verse 3:

Once a year we name a day so that we can find a way 
To express our gratitude to Mothers dear.
So let's rise and give a hand to the best ones in the land. 
Thank you, Mother, you deserve this rousing cheer!
   (Thanks, Mom!)